The scare tactics worked (as scare tactics usually do), and the majority of the words denounced the Obscenes actions as going too far and called out for their punishment. While most words still didn't think the Obscenes posed any threat to the Word society in general, it was clear the Propers and Obscenes would keep coming up with schemes to ruin each other until all the words became a jumbled mess of confusion.
The punishment for the Obscenes was quick and severe. Fuck, Damn, Shit and all of the other Obscenes were to be banished from the Word Society, never to be seen with any other words again. The Obscenes obeyed and disappeared from the general public. The Propers officially won the War of Words.
Unofficially, it seems the Obscenes became more powerful than when they were part of the Word public. Although Obscenes are now omitted from all official documents, prayers, and text books, the words are still used by most. And while many dictionaries deny their existence, their meanings and connotations are known the world over. God still has Proper and Obscene meanings. Euphemisms still exist on both sides. And novels, newsletters, and pamphlets still contain many of the original Obscenes. The scars from the war have never healed, though, and the Word society is still confused about what it can and cannot tolerate.
There are some who dream of a day when everything returns to the way it was before all the feuding began, and the Obscenes are allowed to be part of official society once again. The movement is small, though, and without much public support.
More and more new words are created, and most do not remember the War of Words. They do not know of a time when all words stood proudly together regardless of their meaning. Only time will tell the legacy of the great War of Words, and its ultimate effect on the Word Society.
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