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More noise for now people

I first reviewed Melt-Banana 29 years ago. The "band" is down to a duo (and has been for a long time), but this eighth full-length is another platter of manic melodies, yelps and general noise. What has always separated Melt-Banana from other noise outfits is a relatively strict adherence to structure. There's a lot going on (much of it well past the point of sanity), but the songs rise and fall in a mostly predictable manner.


That's not to say this approaches the mainstream in any way. In fact, blasting this sucker on Halloween will keep almost all the kids (even those asshole high school students who don't dress up and try to grab handfuls of candy) away from your door. In fact, an overly sensitive parent might even call the cops. That's their problem, not yours.

The joy of Melt-Banana songs is in the incessant energy. A critic (not me) once called this speed pop. I'd agree to a point, but there's the additional element of noise and general associated chaos. The production has left these songs sounding a bit cleaner than the band's earliest fare, but even nearly 30 years on this is unmistakably Melt-Banana.

Fans will scoop this up quickly. The unbaptized will probably stay away. Sucks for them. Ride the adrenalin wire and be sure to lick up all the tasty accouterments. 3+5 does equal 8, though I'm not sure that's what the album title means (there are nine songs, after all). Indeed, I'm never quite sure what to make of Melt-Banana. I just wallow and smile.

Over to the left is the 2024 A&A Complete playlist. This contains music from (almost) every one of my 2024 reviews. Enjoy!