On the town
by Jenn Eks

So--What do you remember about '97? Depending on who you ask, I'm guessing I, like anyone, had my ups and downs. I figure I can account for at least a good half of it. Then again, it depends on which one of us you talk to.

You see, somewhere around April, after yet another poor excuse for a boyfriend started going on and on with his "you're insane" this, and his "you need help" that, well, c'est la vie. You know how it goes. It's not like he was fillin' any voids in my life if you know what I mean.

Sometime after that there was somewhat of a depression period. I tried to get by one minute at a time one way or another. Mostly there was just sleep. I guess time has a way of flying regardless of whether you're having fun or passed out in a gutter somewhere in a drunken, and/or drug-induced coma. Only, as I mentioned earlier, with the former, you get to hold on to your memories.

I checked myself "in" from time to time. Sometimes it was a psyche ward and sometimes it was a bar-hoppin' I went. Judge if you must, but I honestly believe that both were extremely instrumental in my recovery (after all, the studies of psychiatry and the mind have come a long way). I won't bore you with all their wild and crazy theories about our "multiple personalities" and so on (we didn't say there weren't a couple quacks left in the business). Anyway, along with all their legal experimentation on me, I had to do some of my own.

The point of all this should become clear by the time you finish this review.

In 1997 I remember:
1.) A guy in white chasing me down a long and tiled corridor.
3.) A band o' guys that claimed they were gonna inherit the earth.
4.) A little pixie, who cornered me in the WC and licked my cheek.
5.) Flashing red lights and billy clubs.
6.) A different guy in white chasing me down a long corridor.
7.) The rise of "Irie Still" -- above Burque I guess?
8.) Some people still care about the local music scene.
9.) Getting a new white coat (for X-mas?) and being thrown into a padded room by still another gentleman in white.
10.) Fuzzy pink slippers.

I hope everyone out there had at least as good a time and may your '98 be even better!

Love, Jenn Eks

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