A curse has come upon this magazine. The curse of war, and its ravenous hand has wrecked and ruined the artistic talents of the editors of Lies. Instead of concentrating their efforts to create a potent and amusing attack on the status quo, the two head editors have stockpiled and abused all of their thoughts and ideas in attempt to take over and control all facets of the magazine's existence.

What started out as petty insults has turned into a bloodthirsty and greedy quest by two men to own and dominate what they were once willing to share equally. It is not clear when lines were drawn in the sand, but Aaron claims it began when Mattman "accidentally" taped over the two final Duckman episodes. Mattman states the conflict truly had been brewing since Issue #11 when Aaron maliciously caused Mattman to overdose on the (oh so tasty) ultra-pure "white sand" heroin--only to bring him back to life after bad press ruined Aaron's reign.

Regardless of the actual starting point, war has come, and the pages of this magazine--once filled with poignant, insightful, and witty banter--are now filled with posturing, name calling, battles for space, and conquests for supremacy.

As you dwell within, be reminded this war has no rules, no sympathy, and no Geneva Convention. If you are strong enough to stomach all of its contents, you are bolder than most. If you find the scabs of war too disgusting, manipulative, and vile, feel free to hide yourself among the record reviews in the middle and imagine how good this issue would have been without all of this insane fighting.

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