You hear whispers in the walls...

The Liar Party Saga

The saga continues...

While on sabbatical from epic struggles, the Lies Party happens upon a small, but reasonably filled pub called The Hole. After a few mugs of mead, Nina begins the Dance of Thieves on one of the larger tables. The dance consists of three stanzas. Temptation, Climax, and Scurry. The first two are really just glorified strip dances, but Scurry is the meaning behind it all. Nina (wearing only a few slashes of clothing and body paint) swiftly circumvents the entire pub, all the while picking the pockets and pouches of patrons. Of course, Nina disappears after the she finishes the dance. The patrons of the pub are slow to realize that they've been robbed, but not before the Lies Party is able to quietly into the night. The party must ride hard for a few hours (and on several mugs of mead) before they can rest for the night. Nina's haul: close to 10,000 gp of coins, jewelry and assorted accouterments.

While walking through a dark part of the Eastern Woodlands, Aaron is slain by a Marilyn Manson fan after failing to throw up a Mute spell in time. The Liar Party pays 20,000 gold pieces in an attempt to bring him back to life, but the cleric they hired was doped up on binker drugs and said some of the chants backwards. As a result, Aaron becomes a wraith who currently wonders the Earth warning passers by of the dangers of popular music trends and shooting albatrosses. Armed with the Staff of Vonnegut (+8), he is still a match for most beings. Beware: he will lull victims in with his feather tongued poetry and then whack them over the head screaming "It is too easy, when alive, to make perfectly horrible mistakes!" Stay clear of him at all costs.

Steve leaves the group after realizing none of the women in the Liar Party will have sex with him. He is said to be roaming the distant hills of the Prothogana where orcs are considered attractive, and half-orcs are movie stars. Before he departs, Steve confides in Bryan that he just wants to feel pretty again. Rumors are rampant on Steve's success. Some say he is now a pimp and living the life of the erotic gods, but others say he met his destiny trying to seduce nymph with a hill giant boyfriend.

continue down the stairs.