You hear whispers in the walls...

The Liar Party Saga

The saga continues...

Due to incorrect lock picking by Chris, the Liar Party falls through a trap door down into the Pit of Disgruntled Marriages. Willy is bitten by a she beast of unknown origins and stricken with a disease known as The Abandoned-- causing him to go into convulsions every fourteen hours. Steve is also bitten but somehow has an immunity to the venom. Willy also complains of headaches and cold sweats, and asks the group constantly if they are going to leave him. While Mattman and Jon make many attempts to cure him of the disease, it is Lisa who became the healer of sorts. She takes Willy down to a nearby stream and fucks him senseless and soon the symptoms subside. Lisa claims she learned the technique from her mother who taught her that unbelievable sex can discourage all illness, end depression, and end all wars.

Scott and Lisa leave camp because everyone begins complaining of lousy food, no treasure, and just having a miserable time. Bored with the whining, the duo set out on a killing rampage of the surrounding area. Villagers from the surrounding towns either barricade themselves in their abodes or run to the nearby forest, leaving the D.A.R.E Police, a Republican Congressional candidate, and a caged beast called Rallahgok. Lisa quickly takes care of the first two, but Scott engages in an epic battle with Rallahgok who (as they find out later) was spawned from an evil bookstore owner and an angelic fairy called a bristlebin. As a result, Rallahgok is a twisted being with a confused, yet intelligently deranged mind. After struggling for several hours, Scott finally remembers an ancient spell called Sinsemiamuch and throws it on the beast. Rallahgok now leaves in the nearby forest where he plants, cultivates, and guards over twenty thousand marijuana plants. A fine treasure for anyone with the gall to defeat it. Scott and Lisa decide there is a considerable amount of safety in numbers and rejoin the group. When the duo returns, they find that the group has sent out for pizza an is in much better spirits.

continue down the stairs.