Purpose of the Pitty Pot Church
If there's one thing the world doesn't need, it's another religion. So why does the P.P.C. exist? Because everyone needs something to believe in, and the P.P.C. wants you to believe in yourself. All the answers to the questions of existence can be formulated in your mind, and no book, prayer, meditation technique, or drug can explain your life for you. Feel free to use those as tools for your journey for they all will give advice, clear heads, inspire, and educate--but the true knowledge comes from your reactions to stimuli.
The P.P.C. is not organized in any way. Religions should be flexible for the individual to the point of not making sense to anyone else. Therefore, one member of the P.P.C. may have a totally different view and lifestyle from another, and that is just fine. Belief is a personal, intimate, and unique expression of one's self, and to think everyone should think and believe the same way is ludicrous. The P.P.C. is but a starting point to a life of confidence in one's thinking.
The P.P.C. does preach peace as its cornerstone of existence. Through peace, people and nations have worked together to improve space exploration, music, and hidden cultural gifts. Violence stagnates all species' improvement because it begets a cycle where all energy and thinking is put into killing, maiming, or humiliating other people. Much of the aggression in the world comes from a feeling of being challenged, but if a group of people is confident in themselves and their thinking, violent confrontations become silly situations with little positive gain.
The goal of thinking is to understand how unique your thoughts are compared to everyone else. Once a group of people realizes how different they are from others, they realize that everyone has thoughts, ideas, and concepts to offer. As a people, we can celebrate the differences and stop living in fear of those that look, smell, feel, and sound different than us.
It is a lofty goal if not a little idealistic, but that's how beliefs work. Beliefs only become a reality when there are believers. If you want to be a believer in the P.P.C., then just start believing. There's no secret handshake or first communion. If you later feel you've made the wrong decision in joining the church, then stop believing. Religion doesn't have to be that hard.
*Donations for the P.P.C. can be made to the LCN Syndicate, 1112 San Pedro NE #154, Albuquerque, NM 87110. The money will go to spreading the word or groceries depending on which is in more dire need at the time.
return to the basement.