Playin' with the breeze

This is not Les Brown the motivational guy. Nor is it Les Brown the saxophone player (I found him in the googler, but I can't say much more than that). This is Les Brown, the guy who uses a guitar, drums and a whaleload of electronics to create lively, playful songs.

Les Brown
The Next One

This isn't soundscape-style electronic fare, but rather music that sets a mood. Brown can be contemplative, but he's more often goofily jaunty. He likes to use his rhythm section to really lock in the feel of a particular song, and then he lays the ideas on top.

Again, this is not standard experimental electronic fare. Brown dabbles in prog, funk and even shows some proficiency with the 8-bit style. Mostly, though, he simply moves on. The next song has little to do with the previous one. And that's on purpose. Brown wants to throw in a little bit for everyone, which makes his sound hard to characterize.

Perhaps . . . fun? I'd go with that. These songs elicit everything from a why smile to outright guffaws. Despite their instrumental nature, they're not background music. These are front-and center tunes. His first album was titled (duh) The First One. I can't wait for the inevitable Another One.

Jon Worley

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