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Two members of Harrington Saints and the drummer for Bum City Saints come together for their second set in a year. And, yeah, it's straightforward Bay Area hardcore that could have come from a time capsule buried 40 years ago.

Brigata Vendetta
This Is How Democracy Dies
(Pirates Press)

So, yeah, the horse is old, but it's hardly tired. Something of a cross between very early Bad Religion and Dead Kennedys, but with superior lo-fi production sound. There's even a song called "'87 Again", which is not a reference to the music, but rather a lovely bit of political analysis.

Indeed, Brigata Vendetta pretty much feeds on politics--and spits it out over powerfully crunchy riffage. I guess this could be mostly a nostalgia trip, but the songs themselves are fresh and electric.

Like this set (slightly more than 18 minutes is enough run time for the 13 songs here), this is a short review. But I think the point has been made. Brigata Vendetta may wallow in the past, but it has furious energy for the present. My face is flushed.

Jon Worley

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