Quick workout

Rick Parker is a well-traveled jazz trombonist, and Hernan Hecht is a (perhaps) even more well-traveled drummer. They recorded this set in a day, and after some light production (including a fascinating array of electronic effects and samples) they have unleashed this set.

Parker Hecht
When It Stares You in the Face

While these pieces were improvised in in Hecht's Mexico City studio (he has since moved on to Argentina), they are the result of a years-long association. It's clear that Hecht and Parker are well-acquainted, and their conversations, both straightforward and side-eyed, reflect an intimate understanding. While most of the pieces key on Hecht's drumming, Parker's trombone is what generally makes the biggest splash, especially when set into echoes and drones.

So while entirely improvised, many elements here were composed in production. The editing keeps the sound light and airy, giving as much space as possible to the myriad of sounds that transpire between horn and drum.

This is an album to experience. I don't think Hecht or Parker have a complete handle on what they've wrought, and that's for the best. Art is only art when it is experienced, and these sounds beg experiencing. Set your mind to "delve" and probe these pieces with as much as you dare. A burbling, blistering pile of wonder.

Jon Worley

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