Hardly fossils

A new set from this Berlin-based duo. Four songs, running time more than forty minutes. Those who read my review of last year's Hunt & Lore know how much I liked their collagey take on abstract electronics. This set continues in that vein.


The extreme length of these pieces (the shortest clock in past eight minutes each) is belied by their accessibility and warmth. Sure, there are elements of sterile techno, but the beats are insistent and engaging and the additional elements make these songs feel much shorter.

But I'm glad they're not. Lukas Radiomodul and Bernhard Wöstheinrich work well together, and from the sounds of this and their previous set, they are able to create accessible and intriguing songs that lodge quickly in the mind. It's possible to zone in a drone, but soon enough a new wave is there to bring new treats to ear.

"Muschelkalk" is the German word for limestone, a rock made from the shells and bones of animals that collected at the bottom of inland seas. If you grew up in the Midwest, you probably quickly learned how many fossils could be found in a small nugget. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, and similarly, Reichenhall's music accretes. Bit after bit locks in, and the result is a glorious tapestry of electronic flair. Once again, I listen breathlessly.

Jon Worley

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