Throw it all in

Blending elements of black and symphonic metal into a base of viking anthems, Eldfaerd manages to give a menacing edge to a sound that has come perilously close to comedy in recent examples.


Perhaps goofy is a better word, but much of the "viking metal" I've heard lately sounds played for laughs. These Swedes take after their forebears, who never forgot to underpin their driving anthems with solid steel.

The symphonic elements are all synthesized, of course, but other electronic elements find their way in as well. There are random electronic beats that drop in from time to time, and often I think almost all of the percussion is electronic. This is neither good nor bad, but I'm happy to hear a metal band embrace cheap and effective technology in service of good music.

In the end, this sounds very much like early 90s Euro-style death metal, with just enough blackening to singe the edges. Eldfaerd has the chops, and these four songs demonstrate some real ambition. These north riders should have staying power.

Jon Worley

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