Simply drenched

That would be Andy Blunda, who in his day jobs composes and creates art for TV and movies. This project is his one-man electronic band, and he churns out expansive, poppy songs that echo the late 70s and early 80s.

Brighter Days

In particular, there's a strong Alan Parsons Project/Pink Floyd vibe (not sure how many people have put those two acts together, but what the hell) going on. Totally electronic, so the comparisons are more compositional rather than instrumental sound. But even the poppier songs here have that fade-into-nothingness that both of those bands mined extensively.

But yes, Blunda is much more pop than rock. The songs rarely break mid-tempo (there's that expansive sound thing again), but they do have some fine extended hooks. Just a smidge past languid, these songs almost ooze their way to bliss.

Kinda like the musical version of the Persistence of Memory, though not quite so trippy. Just loopy electropop that satisfies in its own right. I've received a number of releases over the years from Hollywood pros who have spun off the odd album, and this release fits nicely within those expectations. Mistake-free, modestly adventurous pop songs that engage on many levels. I like the way he vibes.

Jon Worley

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