Do not delete

Peter Godziszewski is better known for his ATOMZERO work, but during the pandemic he revisited some sounds and ideas that didn't fit that paradigm. Delving a bit more into the chilly side of electronic music, these tracks constitute his "detox" of the apostate musical thoughts.

(Analogue Trash)

If these are, in fact, ideas he wished to purge, then perhaps he should purge more often. Godziszewski has created a full-fledged sonic universe for these tracks, one where they make sense in and of themselves. Indeed, within this context each track achieves something akin to cold fusion. Without heating up, the music becomes its own source of energy.

The tracks tell stories, but the overall effect is one of contemplation and fierce intellectual ferment. These sounds are hardly warm, but they are intense. Thus the whole "cold fire" idea I'm trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to get across.

Whatever. My failures to fully explain what I'm hearing doesn't diminish from the accomplishment. This side project deserves to get a bit more attention in the future. It doesn't have to overshadow ATOMZERO (or any of Godziszewski's other work), but there are plenty of avenues here for further exploration.

Jon Worley

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