The world at once

The seventy-first meridian runs through Boston. Giuseppe Paradiso is an Italian-born drummer and composer who moved to Boston a decade ago. This project is his way of exploring jazz, prog and (the slightly offensive and definitely American-centric genre) world music.

Giuseppe Paradiso and Meridian 71
Parallel Dimensions
(Ubuntu Music)

To be more specific, percussionist Malick Ngom plays sabar and other west African drums. Sometimes those drive the rhythms, and sometimes they are along for the ride. With songs as diverse and wide-ranging as these, no one instrument or tradition dominates.

I'm sure plenty of folks have strong feelings about whether this is more jazz or prog. My guess is that strong adherents to either will see this as an example of the other. Meridian 71 doesn't stand still, and it never revisits the same place twice. That makes for an exciting album, but it also places the group in uncertain territory.

That's the point, if you were wondering. Paradiso has said that he wants to bring together musicians from different traditions and see where it goes. He's the one doing the writing, but the musicians take those notes and then fly. By combining a variety of sounds and ideas and throwing in some improvisation (there are many sections that sound like refined improvisation), Paradiso has found his sound. This latest from Meridian 71 goes. And then keeps going.

Jon Worley

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