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I guess Ecstasy Rhymes was as fulfilling to record as it was to hear. Hilarie Sidney, Per Ole Bratset and friends have gotten together to record another set of stellar jangle pop. After waiting the better part of ten years between albums, this one arrives barely a year after the last. And not a moment too soon.

The High Water Marks
Proclaimer of Things
(Minty Fresh)

The album starts with a rush and then accelerates. There's a knack to creating these fuzzy gems, and recent practice has obviously paid off. Even more incisive and insistent than Rhymes, this set rarely operates at anything less than a roar.

When this stuff is done right, the first thought that comes to mind is "This is so easy!" Yeah, right. But the High Water Marks have clearly regained the requisite muscle memory, and perhaps it was easier to craft this set than Rhymes. Maybe not. Prolly doesn't matter, anyway.

To have two stellar albums appear in such a short period of time is remarkable. This one is the perfect tonic for an icy winter afternoon. Soon enough it will be time to hit the road, roll down the windows and really crank the volume. These songs tempt me to do just that, even when the temperature is well below freezing. There's enough joy to warm just about anything or anyone.

Jon Worley

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