1/27/22: Stark ambition Benjamin Blank is Binary Order, and on this outing he takes a number of 90s metal concepts and fully integrate them into a techo-industrial setting. From the mix of extreme and "normal" vocals (pioneered by Fear Factory, and a clear influence here) to the black metal keyboard and guitar washes to a full embrace of electronics within a loud music sphere, there's a lot of throwback here.
And indeed, there's always something new. Yes, it's easy to identify the source of each piece. Blank does not try to hide his influences, and he doesn't really whip them up into an entirely new concoction. Rather, he uses juxtaposition (another nod to Fear Factory) to explore the connections and walls between different musical ideas. This is a one-man show, mostly for the better. Blank doesn't like to sit still, and I imagine that the next Binary Order album will find new paths. But this one exposes a large set of intriguing crossroads. Far too sharp to be beautiful, this album has a unique allure. |
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