Premature reports

Rock is dead. That's what everyone says. Rock is dead. Toss the dirt on the coffin and move on.

Cigar Club
Home All Day, Home All Night

Toronto-based Cigar Club isn't buying. This is old-school, latter-day Urge Overkill without the asides (produced with the more spare sound of the Touch and Go albums). These boys play fast, slow, quiet, loud--with guitars at the front of the sound.

A couple of reviews have referenced Tool and Queens of the Stone Age, and a couple of these songs would fit with either band. What I like is that Cigar Club varies its sound so much. There are also nods to stoner rock, Pearl Jam pseudo-grunge and the occasional idyll. All served up with a not-quite-shiny sound. There's a deft hand behind this one.

Rock is dead. Long live rock. And while you're at it, take a gander at what the kids today are doing. If us geezers don't pay attention, we'll just get run over. Serves us right.

Jon Worley

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