Rawkus ruckus

Noisy, garage-style alterna-rock that would have fit in quite nicely in the 90s (or even 00s). This Venetian quartet does sound a bit dated to my ears, but the racket is so sublime that influences are swiftly obliterated.

New Candys
(Little Cloud)

But yes, Love & Rockets is certainly a touchstone. Well, the Rockets side of things. New Candys rarely pull back from the psychedelic buzzsaw guitar sound, and there's not a lot of rumination, either. Just a steady diet of mind-throttling songs.

I suppose more dynamic diversity would serve these boys well (this is a lot of "No Big Deal" and not so much "Mirror People"), but as Girls Against Boys proved, simply shoving down the throttle is a viable strategy. The overarching theme, however, is punky, muscular psychedelia. The fuzzy ringing is something else.

New Candys don't really update anything. But they do this sound so well that I can't really complain. If you're in the mood to have your brain handled roughly, this sucker will do it. Quite the sonic cleanser.

Jon Worley

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