1/9/20: At sea Every once in a while I get something that calls itself "Viking metal." Iku-Turso simply goes with "black metal", but I'd say these boys are totally within the spirit of "Viking metal", whatever that might be. There are a few double-kick bass drum moments, but the overall feel is that of rowing across the Atlantic. The black metal moments are merely punctuations within epic sea shanties.
Totally unique and cool. I've not heard any band that puts together these disparate elements, and certainly no one has done it so well. I doubt fans of pure black metal would like this much, and those who live for songs of the sea would probably lose their lunch. Those of use who live for (musical) adventure, on the other hand, are simply in thrall. Whether you volunteer or are impressed into service, Iku-Turso will deliver thrills. Unexpected and awesome. |
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