More loud Canadians

Described as "punk metallers" or "metal punksters" by various music journo types, I have to say I don't hear much more than 70s pop-and-hardcore-edged punk. This is the band that could have bridged a Runaways/Bad Religion bill.


A lot more interesting to me is that guitarist and lead songwriter Jo Capitalicide is also the driving force behind Aphrodite's recent release (billed as "Jo Steel" with that band). Never mind that Zex is Ottawa-based and Aphrodite is (supposedly) a Toronto joint. As near as I can tell, both of these bands are pretty much Jo (Steel) Capitalicide.

As noted earlier, Zex is pretty much unrefined punk id. The songs are punchy, the hooks ragged as hell and the playing competent but not showy. You know, just the sort of thing for a Friday night.

Color me entertained. The band's sole ambition seems to be playing bashers that get the job done in three minutes or less. I can get down with that. Zex is uncomplicated, and all the better for it.

Jon Worley

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