The Nowbient

Foamek is the stage name of Jake Davis, a Brooklyn DJ. He has a lovely sense of beatwork, but the hallmark of this set is a willingness to drift into tangents without losing track of the center. In other words, this may be the work of a DJ, and it may be electronic, but it's not really dance music. Not all the time, anyway.

Radar Ruins

So yes, a little ambient, just a hint of the trance, more than a dash of straight experimental song construction and an almost inerrant sense of melody. Even when the lines burble, it's easy to hear what holds them together.

Not as consistently out there as Aphex Twin (an acknowledged influence), but I think that willingness to stay on the sprightly side is one of the most appealing things about this album. Foamek stays true to himself, and there's a lot to like within that.

Lots of room for growth. I get the feeling that Foamek is still starting to find his footing. This assured set tells me that there is likely much more within Jake Davis that will find its way into his music. One to watch--and to listen to right now. A true joy.

Jon Worley

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