7/17/17: The long fray Every day, it seems like the 70s come into vogue more and more. Movies, novels, TV shows, music, you name it. And with a certain someone in the White House, I imagine "louche" will be the word of the year for 2017. Stepping into this atmosphere is the Parson Red Heads, which has refined its sound into near pitch-perfect splendor.
There is joy in dissolution. I suppose one way to handle the destruction of our way of life is to simply smile, take a hit, harmonize a bit and then smile some more. These songs aren't sunny days; they're smoggy sunsets. But they do wrap up the ears in a fuzzy blanket. Where I live, we've got mobilization squads and kids ditching school to march in the streets. I saw one guy walking in a march wearing a Target (or some other mass-retailer) reprint of an Evil Empire shirt. Kinda undercut the protest, but I dig the energy anyway. The Parson Red Heads put their energy into simply getting by. And sometimes getting by is the greatest thing a person can do. |
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