Of many minds

There are plenty of elliptical references to the "past" of this band, but I don't know anything other than that Ellis Anderson, Noah Dehmer and Missy Thangs were three-fourths of Toddler and now they're No One Mind (with a couple of new members for live support).

No One Mind
No One Mind
(Third Uncle)
This is a non-linear album, one that incorporates about as many indie-rock styles and ideas as you can imagine. Anyone who can smash together Spaceman 3, Stereolab and Superchunk into one song (and make it work) has aces in my book.

In that way, this is totally an RTP outfit. The Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill/ Carrboro/etc. area has been astonishingly fertile for a couple decades now, and what struck me when I lived there (and the years since) is the breadth of sounds used by local bands. For every Tift Merritt and Ryan Adams there's a Southern Culture on the Skids, White Octave, Lambchop, Rosebuds or Knobs. And those are references from more than ten years ago. The scene is much more vibrant now.

This album, throbs, simmers and soars as necessary. It's not a simple album to comprehend, but it sure is easy to love. The atmospherics are thrilling, and the interiors are ever-shifting. Just let your mind dance along as the album morphs itself.

A fine example of a good band from an extremely diverse and strong scene. I don't know if these folks will be able to maintain the emotional ragged edge they tapped into to create this album, but it sure works here.

Jon Worley

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