7/16/15: Deep in the dark Utilizing a similar set of rhythms to Godflesh's immortal Streetcleaner, Insect Ark (the mask of Dana Schecter, with newly-acquired drummer/keyboardist Ashley Spungin) chases a different beast entirely. Rather than fulminating rage, this album drills deep into the subconscious. Kinda like Scorn, but not.
At times, Schecter's songs delve into near soundscape territory. There are no lyrics, but most of these piece lack that over-the-top cinematic character of such works. Rather, this album features a minimalist agony--a soundspeck, if you will. Absolutely intriguing. These pieces ask many more questions than they answer, though I can promise to put in the time to try and puzzle them out nonetheless. An album that is out of time and probably twenty years too late to get the attention it deserves. Or maybe not. After all, this is no retread. Insect Ark is infused with the spirit of musical adventure. It will devour your soul, and you should be thankful for that.
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