2/28/15: Alternate flight There have been rumors of a new Wrens album showing up one of these years. Wormburner is slightly more prolific (an album every four years), but it takes a similar noisy, layered and calculated approach to pop tunes. Oh, and there's a smidge of sarcasm.
My favorite parts of this album are the bits of noise that populate the background. This is an amazingly dirty album, soundwise. The production is ultra-crisp, but there's a lot of crackle in the corners. That leaves the impression that there's always something to explore. More than an impression, really; there's almost too much to process at times. The songs are bitterly funny, kinda like listening to a depressive on crack or something. But just when oppression rears its ugly head, the boys kick out a killer hook sliced from steel. An acquired taste, I suppose, but one that will satisfy more and more with each listen. The more I hear, the faster my blood flows. Exceptional stuff.
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